Bandstand for Listed Park


A simple but versatile open air canopy for bands, dance, dramatic performance and display

The Lea gave Luton its name. In Edwardian times these riverbanks were given to the townsfolk for recreation. Wardown Park continues to be highly valued by Luton’s multi-cultural communities hosting Mela, Carnival, St. Patrick’s Day and pop concerts. Our contemporary bandstand won planning consent following in depth heritage analysis of the Grade II Listed park and consultation with Historic England and Bedfordshire County Gardens Trust.

The tiered, laminated timber and glass canopy, held on stainless steel columns reflecting their green surroundings, ‘floats’ over a low brickwork concert podium without balustrades. The major/ minor bay geometry accommodates the bandstand to the irregularities of its gently sloping site where three parkland routes converge. The canopy, through successive iteration of its stacked tiers resolves itself into a hexagonal oculus. Patterned light and shade play across the stage and rigs can suspend lighting and colourful banners to orientate and define performances. The band stand is glimpsed through the wooded park and draws you in to watch and listen.

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